Success Stories
1. Distiller Installed
Installed in the new MEET Ministry Wellness Center’s Juice Room. Provides pure water for the health guests and staff.
2. MEET Ministry Jamaica
The MM Alumni Association donated funds for the following MEET Ministry Jamaica projects:
Fence Project: $700 for the purchase of fencing materials and installation cost for critical property line fencing for the outpost.
Printer: $475 was donated for the purchase of a Epson Printer to be used in the ministry office.
3. Staff Member Cash Gifts
Periodically monetary gifts have been distributed to the MM Staff members. These gifts were well deserved.
4. Auto Project Continues
The MEET Ministry Alumni Association Auto Project is designed to raise funds for the Association. The primary purpose of this project is to raise monies for the MM Jamaica Projects.
Devon Findlay transfers title to purchaser Deborah Hamilton; also pictured Miyana and Terri Hamilton.