Our Vision

Create an environment where the staff members at MEET are effectively empowered to “Finish the Work.”

OUR Mission

To foster a “Give Back” spirit among the MEET Ministry/School of Gospel Health and Evangelism’s Alumni, and friends and to enhance the general welfare of the MEET Ministry Staff.   


But as it is written, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him.” 

1 Corinthians 2:9  (KJV)

Thea BaskervillePresidentClass of 2015 

Thea Baskerville
Class of 2015


Message From Your President

MEET Ministry Alumni and Friends, 

This correspondence serves as an update for some of the activities of the MEET Ministry Alumni Association  (MMAA) during the last 120 Days.

1. Donated funds to the family of the late Janet Caldwell Gentles (class of 1992 & former MEET employee).     

2. Donated funds to MM Alum & Ethiopian missionary (class of 2017 & former MEET employee) seeking religious work visa - more info to come 

3. MMAA Board Member visits the MM-Jamaica Outpost - video to come

4. Donated funds to MM-Jamaica Outpost

5. Gifted each member of the 2023 School of Gospel Health Evangelism class a Medical Missionary Kit.  (pictures attached)

6. Created a Video Montage for the class of 2023

7. Developing plans for a major fundraiser

Please keep us in your prayers.

In His Service,

Thea Baskerville

MMAA President